Page:Transactions of the Geological Society, 1st series, vol. 1.djvu/428

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Granite Veins, in the Isle of Sercq, 18—in Jersey, 21—in Dartmoor, 119—at St. Michael's Mount in Cornwall, 143—at Mousehole in Cornwall, 144—General Observations on those that traverse the grauwacke formation, 145—traversing granite in the vicinity of Dublin, 271—two of different natures intersecting each other, 27 1—in the Malvern Hills, 289, 299, 302
Granitic Rocks, of Guernsey, 8—of Sercq, 18—of Jersey 20
Granitel, black, in Guernsey 9
Grauwacke, in Sercq, 18—in Jersey 20
Grauwacke Formation, of Devonshire, 101, 105, 118, 121—of Cornwall 109, 113, 116, 122, 127, 131, 144, 151, 156
Great Gossan Lode in Cornwall, Account of 23
Greenstone, in the grauwacke of Cornwall, 115, 122, 128—in Shropshire, 203, 210—in the Malvern Hills 289
Grenatite found in the County of Wicklow 275
Grit, Varieties of, in Alderney 45
Guernsey, Dr. MacCulloch's Account of 7
Gypsum, Difference between Bardiglione and 373
Hampshire, Dr. Berger's Sketch of the Geology of some parts of, 249—Elevation of some places in 268
Heligoland, Dr. Mac Culloch's Notice accompanying a Section of 322
Hematite, Vein of, in the Malvern Hills 301
Highgate Hill, Fossil remains met within cutting through a mound of the blue clay stratum at 388
Holland Henry, Esq. Sketch of the Natural History of the Cheshire Rock—Salt District 88
Hollowspar, found in the County of Wicklow 277
Hornblende Rocks of the Malvern Hills 294, 301
Hornblende and Epidote, Rock of 290
Hornel, Leonard, Esq, on the Mineralogy of the Malvern Hills 281
Hornstone, the basis of Porphyry in Alderney 7
Jersey, Dr. Mac Culloch's Account of 19
Indurated Talc (supposed) in the County of Wicklow 277
Ireland, Dr. Fitton's Account of some rare minerals found in 269
Isle of Wight, Aluminous Chalybeate Spring in the, 213—Elevation of some places in 268