Page:Transactions of the Geological Society, 1st series, vol. 4.djvu/481

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Plastic clay, Mr. Buckland on the beds of 277
────────, account of the beds of near Reading 282
────────, ────────────── near London 284
────────, ────────────── on the coast of Sussex 294
──────────────── their connexion with those of France 298
Plumsted, account of the Plastic Clay beds near 290
Plymouth, Mr. Hannah's observations on the limestone of 410
Porphyritic veins, of St. Agnes. Rev. J. J. Conybeare on 401
─────────────── probably contemporaneous with the schistose rocks which they traverse 402
─────────────── appearance of the schist in contact with them 403
Porphyry of the Cheviot hills described 93
─────── veins of, traversing the schist and granite of Cruachan 121
──────────────── generally appear perpendicular 121
──────── of Cruachan, its varieties described 122
─────────────── shews a regular series of transition from porphyry to trap 123
Potter's clay, found immediately below the soil over the coal measures 16
Quartz, beds of, interstratified with the marble limestone of Sky 167
────── Mr Phillips on the primitive crystal of 233
────────────── on the cleavage of 247
Quartz rock and schist series of Sky, described 161
──────────────── alternates repeatedly with red sandstone 162
────────, Dr. Mac Culloch's supplementary observations on 264
────────, circumstances to prove that its origin is partly mechanical 268
────────, avanturine a variety of 272
────────, particulars of its occurrence in Sky 273
────────, alternations of, with red sandstone and greywacke schist 274
Quicksands, covering the coal measures 30
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