Page:Transactions of the Geological Society, 1st series, vol. 4.djvu/52

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Fs. Ft. In. Fs. Ft. In.
Brought over 109 3 9 Brought forward 194 6
Coal 1 6 Grey metal and Whin girdles 1 4 10
Blue grey metal 3 8 Grey metal and girdles 1 3
White post 2 7 White post 3
White post mixed with Whin 2 Coal 3 2
White post 1 2 Blue and grey metal 4
Dark blue Metal and Coal 2 2 Coal 9
Grey Metal stone and girdles 2 2 Blue and grey metal 2
White post mixed with Whin 3 7 White post mixed with Whin 4 6
Whin 1 Grey metal 1 6
White post mixed with Whin 1 6 Grey metal and girdles 1 9
Coal 3 3 Low Main Coal 1 6
Dark grey Metal stone 3 6
─────── ───────
Carried forward 124 6 Total 135 1 6

Strata bored through from the High Main Coal in the Charlotte Pit Walker Colliery.

Fs. Ft. In. Fs. Ft. In.
Sunk from surface to High Main Coal 100 Brought forward 136 1 4
Box 5 Grey metal stone with girdles 2 3
Grey metal with girdles 4 5 Coal with water and sulphur 3
Coal C [1]
Grey metal
Coal with sulphar
6 Grey metal stone with post girdles 2 4 8
1 3
Coal [2]
Hard band
2 8 6
Grey metal with girdles 2 1 6
Black stone 1 3 6 Grey metal with post girdles 2
Coal D (Stone Coal) 10 White post with partings 5 5
Soft grey metal 10
Coal Six Quarter Coal G
Blue metal
Strong ditto with post girdles 6 5 5
Coal E (Yard Coal) 2 9 1 6
Grey metal with whin girdles 1 3
Blue metal with scares of Coal at top Five Quar-
ter Coal H
Coal mixed with black stone
Coal clean
Black metal stone with ditto and sulphur 2 3
Strong white post with whin and metal partings 5 10
Grey metal 1 3 8 Grey metal 2
Strong white post 1 1 Grey post 4
Whin 5 Strong grey post mixed with whin 5 1
Stong white post 1 5 Grey metal with girdles 1 2 6
Black slate 2 Strong whin 7
Coal (Little Coal) 8 Black slate 2
Grey metal stone 2 3
Tender Coal I [3]
Brassy coal with scares of band
Black slate mixed with Coal
5 2
White post 1 3 11
Grey metal stone with post girdles 1 4 2 3
Black stone 4 Blue grey metal 11
Coal F (Bnesham Seam) 3
─────── ───────
Carried forward 136 1 4 Fathoms 130 3 9

The stratification above the High main Coal, that is from the surface to the High main Coal in Walker Colliery, is very similar to the section of the Wall's-end strata.

  1. Bandy Coal Seam.
  2. Bandy Coal Seam.
  3. Low Main.