Page:Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne (1867).djvu/61

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Euphrasia officinalis. Anthoxanthum odoratum.
Empetrum nigrum. Agrostis vulgaris.
Rumex acetosa. Poa annua.
Luzula sylvatica. Festuca ovina.
Luzula multiflora. Nardus stricta.
Eriophorum vaginatum. Lastrea dilatata.
Eriophorum angustifolium. Blechnum boreale.
Carex rigida. Lycopodium selago.
Carex stellulata. Lycopodium alpinum.
Aira flexuosa.

We find that several of the common pascual plants do not ascend nearly so high amongst the Cheviots as in the limestone dales. Several instances of this will he noticed in our list of species, of which we may mention here Bunium flexuosum, Heracleum spondylium, Apargia hispida, and Rhinanthus crista-galli, none known on porphyry above 350 yards, but ascending in the limestone dales to 600 or 650 yards. There are a few species which with us are either peculiar to the porphyry and basalt, or more abundant about them than anywhere else. Mr. Tate has mentioned most of them already, and I may add to his list Polemonium cæruleum as peculiar and as preferent, Spergularia rubra, and Filago minima. Of the Flora of our basaltic crags, the following list, which contains all the species noted upon the face, and on the slope, and amongst the debris of the dike, where it stands out conspicuously amongst the low moors west of Kyloe, is a fair illustration.

Florula of a Lower Zone Basaltic Crag.

Thalictrum flexuosum. Prunus spinosa.
Viola sylvatica. Sedum acre.
Helianthemum vulgare. Lonicera periclymenum.
Ulex europæus. Hedera helix.
Spartium scoparium. Galium cruciatum.
Lotus corniculatus. Galium verum.
Euonymus europæus. Solidago virgaurea.
Rosa spinosissima. Hieracium vulgatum.
Rubus umbrosus. Achillea millefolium.
Rubrus radula. Calluna vulgaris.