Page:Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1838 Vol.2.djvu/13

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Mr. Winch's Flora of Northumberland, &c. 3

1. S. verbenaca. Wild English Clary.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 35; Eng. Bot. 154; Curt. Fasc. vi. t. 1; With. ii. 27; Gr. Fl. Eds. 6; Berwick Flora, 9.
By the waggon-way near Newburn, and on the banks below Tynemouth Castle. On the ruins of the Abbey of Lindisfern and Norham Castle, N., where it was noticed by Wallis, who mistook it for Salvia pratensis Salvia pratensis. On ballast hills below Gateshead, and on the banks of Hawthorn Dene, near Sailor's Hall, D.

1. C. Mariscus. Prickly Twig-rush.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 3G; Hook. Fl. Scot. 11; Schoenus Mariscus, Eng. Bot. 950; Robson's Flora, 238; With. ii. 119.
In Hell kettles near Darlington, D.
Very rare in the north of England, and but one locality for it mentioned in Hooker's Flora Scotica.



1. A. odoratum Anthoxanthum odoratum. Sweet-scented Spring-grass.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 37; Eng. Bot. 647; Curt. Fasc. i. t. 4; Hook. Fl. Scot. 11.
In meadows, pastures, &c.



1. V. rubra Centranthus ruber. Red Valerian.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 42; Eng. Bot. 1531; With. ii. 98; Hook. Fl. Scot. 14. Naturalized on the walls of Hulne Abbey near Alnwick, N.

2. V. dioica Valeriana dioica. Small or Marsh Valerian.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 43; Eng. Bot. 028; Curt. Fasc. iv. t. 3; Hook. Fl. Scot. 15; Berwick Flora, 13.
In boggy meadows.

3. V. officinalis Valeriana officinalis. Great Wild Valerian.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 43; Eng. Bot. 698; Curt. Fasc. vi.t. 3; Hook. Fl. Scot. 15; Berwick Flora, 13.
In marshes and on the banks of rivers.

15. FEDIA.

1. F. olitoria Valerianella locusta. Corn-salad, Lamb's Lettuce.

Sm. Eng. Fl.i. 45; Hook.Fl. Scot. 15; Valeriana Locusta, Eng. Bot. 811; Curt. Fasc. v. t. 4; Berwick Flora, 13.
In Heaton Dene, and in corn fields near Benwell, N. Below the Union Bridge, and above Waren.—Dr. G. Johnston. About Alnwick, N.— Mr. J. Davison. Near Whitburn and Boldon, D. At Norton, Wynyard, and Seaton, D.—J. Hogg, Esq.

2. F. dentata Valerianella dentata. Oval-fruited Corn-salad.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 45; Gr. Fl. Eds. 8; Valeriana dentata, Eng. Bot. 1370; With. ii. 101.
On Fulwell Hills and at Cocken, D. Fields near Crowhall, opposite Ridley Hall, N.— Mr.J. Thompson. Near Twizell House, N.—Mrs. Selby.

16. IRIS Iris.

1. I. Pseud-acorus Iris pseudacorus. Yellow Iris, Water Flower-de-luce.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 48; Eng. Bot. 578; Curt. Fasc. iii. t. 4; Hook. Fl. Scot. 16; Berwick Flora, 14.
In ditches, pools, and by rivers.

2. I. foetidissima Iris foetidissima. Stinking Iris, Gladwyn.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 49; Eng. Bot. 596; With. ii. 106.
At Jolby, D.—Mr. E. Robson.
Its most northern British locality, no mention being made of the plant in Hooker's Flora Scotica.
Blue-flowered Iris, Iris germanica, Wallis's Northumberland, i. 241. Robson's Flora, 144. In boggy places, but not common. What plant Wallis mistook for so showy a species it is difficult to imagine, but the error began with the historian of Northumberland, and was copied by Stephen Robson in his Flora.

1. S. nigricans Schoenus nigricans. Black Bog-rush.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 51; Eng. Bot. 1121; Hook. Fl. Scot. 16; Berwick Flora, 14; Cyperus nigricans, With. i. 118.
On the heath at Prestwick Carr, N. On moors and boggy places near Berwick, frequent. — Dr. G. Johnston. In hogs near Hartlepool, to the S.E. of Coatham near Darlington, and near Murton Moor, D. Near Norton, D.—John Hogg, Esq.

1. R. alba Rhynchospora alba. White Beak-rush.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 52; Schoenus albus, Eng. Bot. 985; With. ii. 122; Hook. Fl. Scot. 16.
On the heath at Prestwick Carr, N. On Beamish Moor, D.

1. S. caespitosus Trichophorum caespitosum. Scaly-stalked Club-rush.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 55;" Eng. Bot. 1029; Hook. Fl. Scot. 16.
On turfy moors, common.

2. S. pauciflorus. Few-flowered Club-rush.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 55; Eng. Bot. 1122; With. ii. 112; Hook. Fl. Scot. 17; Berwick Flora, 14; S. baeothryon, Roth. Germ. ii. 54.
In bogs at Willington Quay, and at Prestwick Carr, N. Bog in a field adjoining Spring Gardens near Berwick.—Dr. G. Johnston. Below Hilton Castle and near Darlington, D.

3.S. fluitans Eleogiton fluitans. Floating Club-rush.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 56; Eng. Bot. 216; With. ii. 113; Hook. Fl. Scot. 18; Berwick Flora, 15; Robson's Flora, 240.
In ditches near Cleadon and Darlington, D. At Prestwick Carr, and in the pond at Forest Hall, N. In Roadley Lake. — W.C. Trevelyan, Esq. On the moor west of Belford, N.—Thompson's Berwick Plants.

Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 56; Eng. Bot. 666; Hook. Fl. Scot. 18; Lond. t. 91.
β S. glaucus. Sm. Eng. Fl. i. 57; Eng. Bot. 2321; S. lacustris β, Hudson. 19; Sm. Fl. Brit. 52; Hook. Fl. Scot. 18.