Page:Transactions of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, volume 1.djvu/13

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7th.—That at each Annual Meeting, the place of meeting for the ensuing year shall be announced, and that the meeting for 1833, shall he held in the city of Bristol.

8th.—That the Council of the Association do select one of the Associates to deliver, at the first Annual Meeting, a retrospective view of the state of Medical Science.

9th.—That the proceedings and objects of the Association be advertised in the principal periodical publications of the day, together with the names of the President, Council, and Secretaries.

10th.—That the Association being now formed, and consisting of the Members whose names have been already enrolled, each future Member, on applying for admission, shall be nominated by two Members of the Association as a pledge of eligibility.

11th.—That a printed circular be sent to each Member of the Association, containing an account of the proceedings of the Meeting.

12th.—That Messrs. Berwick & Co. Old Bank, Worcester, be the Treasurers of the Association; at which Bank the subscriptions may be paid; or to Messrs. Robarts, Curtis & Co. Bankers, London, on account of Messrs. Berwick & Co.

13th.—That the grateful thanks of this Meeting be offered to Dr. Hastings, for the indefatigable trouble he has taken in forming a Society which owes its existence to his suggestion; and for the able, eloquent, and learned discourse with which he has opened the proceedings of this day.

14th.—That the able and luminous discourse this day read by Dr. Hastings to the Meeting, be printed, and sent to every Member of the Association; and that it also form the introductory article to the first volume of the " Provincial Medical and Surgical Transactions."

Thanks were moved to the Chairman.

N.B.—All Papers, and other Communications, to be addressed to the Secretaries, Dr. Hastings or Mr. Sheppard, Worcester, and forwarded carriage free.

Those Members who have not an opportunity of paying their Subscriptions to a Member of the Council resident in their district, are requested to pay it through the medium of their own Bankers, to Messrs. Robarts & Co. London, for Messrs. Berwick & Co. Worcester, on account of the " Provincial Medical and Surgical Association."