Page:Transactions of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, volume 1.djvu/132

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the diseases of children; and I have, myself, witnessed very singular effects, from the continued use of such medicated fomentations to the abdomen, where some enlargement existed, and when there was ground to suspect mesenteric disease. Where the infant cannot be made to swallow, it is of vital importance to have it in our power to apply external agents. An anodyne liniment to the spine has sometimes appeared to arrest the most violent spasms. A Very slight application of the nitro-muriatic acid lotion to the extremities, will, in some instances, shew its effects on the stools in a few hours; the same may be said of many other powerful medicines. But it is unnecessary to multiply examples of this kind. Every one's own experience will point out to him the substances most likely to be absorbed, and to answer a specific purpose. It only remains for me to observe, that it is the duty of every practitioner to acquaint himself with the causes which cut off so many of the human race, at so early a period of their existence, and, as far as possible, also, with the best means of remedying the evil. It is a subject not unbecoming the highest attainments, to increase the stock of medical knowledge in that branch of our art. So important, indeed, to society, is the successful treatment of infantile diseases, that happy shall I be, if any effort of mine shall awaken attention to this hitherto neglected department of medicine. There is no brighter reward, that is in the power of this world to bestow, than to be made the instrument of relief to these helpless little ones, and of saving the lives of these engaging beings, to be a blessing to their parents, and, perhaps, the future ornaments of society.