Page:Transactions of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, volume 1.djvu/139

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health, usefulness and comfort, or for the comfort of all others with whom they may have to deal. In consequence of gross neglect in this particular, on the part of parents, the physician has often to contend with unlooked-for difficulties in his practice, and may be baffled in the cure of maladies, both in the nursery and amongst children of a larger growth, by a mind diseased, " for which the patient ought long before to have been taught to minister unto himself."

Omitting then, in this place, the consideration of the effects produced by the indulgence and gratification of the particular passions, many of which, more directly than others, interfere with the bodily health, we will now return to our present subject of inquiry, and ask, by what mode is the greatest degree of permanent mental tranquillity to be ensured, without which the bodily health will be liable to perpetual disturbance?

It is only by correct views of life, and by diversified mental occupation, that the serenity of mind to which I allude can be attained.

Revealed Religion alone enables us to set a proper value upon the transitory things of this world. It emphatically teaches us not to be enamoured of its fleeting pleasures, or to be hopelessly depressed by its pains and disappointments.

" Sperat infestis, metuit secundis Alteram sortem bene prseparatum Pectus."

It places before us a prize to be gained, and instructs us how to gain it. The rules are plain and simple, and intelligible to the meanest capacity.