Page:Transactions of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, volume 1.djvu/15

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Henry Clarke, Esq. Lecturer on Anatomy, Bristol.
John Conolly, M. D. Warwick; late Professor of Medicine in the London University.
William Conolly, M. D. Cheltenham.
Andrew Crawford, M. D. Physician to the Winchester Hospital.
John Darwall, M. D. Physician to the Birmingham General Hospital.
A. W. Davis, M. D. Presteign.
James Dawson, Esq. Surgeon to the Liverpool Infirmary.
Lewis Evans, M. D. Physician to the Norwich Hospital.
Thomas Evans, jun. M. D. Physician to the Ross Dispensary.
John Forbes, M. D., F. R. S. Physician to the Infirmary, Chichester.
Thos. Fowke, Esq. Surgeon to the Dispensary, Wolverhampton.
Hen. Hawes Fox, M. D. Bristol; late Physician to the Bristol Infirmary.
Francis Franklin, M. D. Leamington, Warwickshire.
George Goldie, M. D. Shrewsbury; late Physician to the York Hospital.
John Griffiths, Esq. Surgeon to the Infirmary, Hereford.
Richard Francis George, Esq. Surgeon to the Bath Hospital.
George Edmund Hay, Esq. Surgeon, Bath.
Christopher H. Hebb, Esq. Surgeon, Worcester.
Wm. Charles Henry, M. D. Physician to the Infirmary, Manchester.
William Hetling, Esq. Clifton, Bristol; Surgeon to the Bristol Infirmary, and Lecturer on Surgery.
Wm. Hey, Esq. Surgeon, Leeds.
Thos. Hiron, Esq. Surgeon, Warwick.
Joseph Hodgson, Esq. Surgeon to the General Hospital, Birmingham.
J. H. James, Esq. Surgeon to the Exeter Hospital.
Egerton A. Jennings, Esq. F. L. S. Surgeon to the Leamington Charitable Bathing Institution, &c.
Thos. Jeffreys, M. D. Liverpool.
John Johnstone, M, D., F. R. S. Physician to the General Hospital, Birmingham.
George Johnston, M. D. Berwick; Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons.
Richard Phillips Jones, M. D. Physician to the Denbighshire General Dispensary and Asylum for the Recovery of Health, Denbigh.