Page:Transactions of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, volume 1.djvu/17

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Win. Addison, Esq. F. L. S. Surgeon to H. R. H. the Duchess of Kent, Malvern.

Thomas Agg-, Esq. Surgeon to the Dispensary and Casualty Hospital, Cheltenham.

R. H. Alexander, Esq. Surgeon, Corsham, Wilts.

Henry Alford, Esq. Senior Surgeon to the Taunton and Somerset Hospital.

James AUardyce, M. D. Physician to the Cheltenham Dispensary and Casualty Hospital.

Charles Anthony, Esq. Surgeon, Clifton, Bristol.

J. G. Appleton, Esq. Surgeon, Evesham.

Robert Arrowsmith, M. D. Physician to the Coventry Dispensary.

Baddeley, Esq. Surgeon, Dudley.

Charles Bailey, Esq. Surgeon, Chippenham, Wilts.

James L. Bardsley, M. D. Physician to the Manchester Royal Infirmary, Dispensary, Fever Wards, Lunatic Hospital and Asylum, Lecturer on the Principles and Practice of Physic, Materia Medica, and Medical Botany, &c. &c.

Edward Barlow, M. D. Physician to the Bath United Hospital.

Richard Barnet, Esq. Surgeon, Stourport.

John Baron, M. D., F. R. S. Physician to the Gloucester Infirmary.

Samuel Bartlett, Esq. Surgeon, Birmingham.

Thos. Batt, Esq. Surgeon, late Surgeon Royal Fusileers, Brecon.

F. C. Batt, Esq. Surgeon, Abergavenny.

J. R. Beddome, Esq. Surgeon, Romsey, Hants.

Charles E. Bernard, M. D. Clifton, Bristol.

R. W. Bernard, M. D. Cheltenham.

Robert Bevan, M. D. Physician to the Dispensary, Monmouth.

George Gwynne Bird, Esq. Surgeon to the Swansea Infirmary.

Wm. Bealey, M. D. Physician to the Bath United Hospital.

James Bisdee, Esq. Surgeon, Westown, Somersetshire.

J. Blackall, M. D. Physician to the Devon and Exeter Hospital.

Edward Blackmore, M. D. Bath.

William Blenkinsop, Esq. Surgeon, Warwick.

William Bodington, Esq. Surgeon, Kenilworth.

Geo. G. Bompass, M. D. Fishponds, near Bristol.

Henry C. Boisragon, M. D. Cheltenham.

John Booth, M. D. Physician to the General Hospital, Birmingham.

Thomas Bradley, Esq. Surgeon, Kidderminster.