Page:Transactions of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, volume 1.djvu/26

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James Woodman, M. D. Bath.

William Woodward, Esq. Surgeon, Pershore.

John Wootton, M. D. Physician to the Infirmary, Oxford.

Samuel Wolstenholme, Esq. Surgeon to the Holywell Dispensary,

Flintshire. George Wolstenholme, Esq. Surgeon, Bolton, Lancashire. Thomas Wynter, Esq. Surgeon, West Bromwich. J. C. Yeatman, Esq. Surgeon, Froome, Somersetshire. James Yonge, M. D. Plymouth; Fellow of the Royal College of


Gentlemen wishing to join the Association, are respectfully requested to apply to some Member of the Council in their immediate district; or to Dr. Hastings, or J. P. Sheppard, Esq. the Secretaries, Worcester.