Page:Transactions of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, volume 1.djvu/30

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observe the spirit of misrule and confusion with which some of them are actuated, and the attempts that have been made, and are making, in the metropolis, to bring about feelings of hostility between the cultivators of the different branches of medicine, we cannot but feel that this is the time in which the friends of peace and harmony should declare themselves. I hope, therefore, as a society, we shall never allow any opportunity to escape us of cultivating friendly intercourse, and of exalting, as far as we have the power, those favoured sons of science who have, by their life and conversation, shed a lustre around them, and whose example, reputation, and acquirement's, are calculated not only to stimulate their brethren to exertion, but also to raise admiration of our art in the public mind.

But there may be those who, though they allow the scheme of an association, for the advancement of medical science in the provinces, to be excellent in itself, do not admit that it can ever be made practically available to the furtherance of science, owing to the dearth of willing labourers to cultivate the new ground, which we are about to lay open. I feel satisfied that no one who can entertain so libellous a doubt, will venture to be present this day; but if there be any one who hesitates as to the probability of the provinces containing able writers, willing to devote themselves to the cause of our science, for the pure love of truth, and for that only, I would beg to call his attention to the publication of the Midland Medical and Surgical Reporter, which commenced in the year 1828, and of which, sixteen numbers have been