Page:Transactions of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, volume 13.djvu/15

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In issuing the present volume of "Transactions" of the "Provincial Medical and Surgical Association," the first of a new series, the occasion may be taken of pointing out to the Members the importance of imparting to the Association the utmost efficiency of which it is capable. This is an object in the highest degree desirable at the present time, not only for the attainment of those purposes for which the Association was originally constituted, and for making its publications more worthy of support, but also for the keeping up of a bond of union among provincial practitioners, whose interests without some such Institution, by which their efforts may be at all times readily and powerfully combined, will be likely to suffer.

It is earnestly hoped, therefore, that Members will individually exert themselves to induce such of their friends as may not hitherto have joined the Association to do so without delay, and to assist, by every means in their power, in the carrying out of its objects.

President of the Council.