Page:Transactions of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, volume 14.djvu/9

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I.—The Retrospective Address; delivered at the Thirteenth Anniversary meeting of the “ Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, ” held at Sheffield, on Wednesday and Thursday, July 30th and 31st, 1845. By Edward Charlton, M.D., Lecturer on the Practice of Physic in the School of Medicine and Surgery, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
II.—The Retrospective Address in Surgery, for the year 1844-5; delivered at the Thirteenth Anniversary Meeting of the “Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, ” held at Shemeld, on Wednesday and Thursday, July 30th and 31st, 1845. By Thomas P. Teale, Esq., F.L.S., Surgeon to the Leeds General Infirmary.
III.—On Grinders' Asthma. By Charles Fox Favell, M.D., Physician to the Sheffield Infirmary.
IV.—On the Inverted Displacement of the Urinary Bladder, with a Case. By John Green Crosse, Senior Surgeon to the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, &c.
V.—Report of the Reading Dispensary, for the years 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844. By Charles Cowan, M.D., E. & P., Physician to the Royal Berkshire Hospital, and Reading Dispensary.
VI.-A Statistical Report of the Surgical In-Patients of the Royal Berkshire Hospital, from its Establishment, May, 1839, to May, 1845. By George May, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, Surgeon to the Royal Berkshire Hospital.
Officers and Council of the “ Provincial Medical and Surgical Association“
Officers of the District Branches.
Honorary Members and Honorary Corresponding Members.
List of Members.