Page:Transactions of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, volume 17.djvu/474

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I.—The Address in Medicine, being an Essay on the principal Causes which unite,in Producing and Diffusing Disease; read before the Seventeenth Annual General Meeting of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, held at Worcester, August 1st and 2nd, 1849. By Charles William Bell, M.D., Knight Commander of the Persian Order of the Lion and Sun; Physician to the Manchester Royal Infirmary; Consulting Physician to the Ardwick and An coats Dispensary; late Physician to Her Majesty's Embassy to Persia, in Medical charge of the British Detachment serving in Persia; late Physician to the Royal Household of Persia, and to the Persian Armies ; formerly House Surgeon to the Middlesex Hospital.
II.—On the Causes of Mortality after Amputation of the Limbs. By J. H. James, Esq., F.R.C.S., Surgeon to the Devon and Exeter Hospital, and Consulting Surgeon to the Exeter Dispensary.
III.—A Case of the High Operation of Lithotomy. By George Murray Humphry, Esq., Surgeon to Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge.
IV.—An Essay on Tuberculous Deposition in the Kidney. By P. Martin Duncan, M.B,, (Londin), Physician to the Essex and Colchester Hospital, Colchester. (With Plate and Cuts)
V.—Report of the Medical and Surgical Cases treated in the Wards of the Bristol Infirmary during the Years 1848 and 1849. By Henry Augustus Hore, Esq., House Surgeon.
VI.—On the Crises which Excite and Influence Respiration in Health and Disease. By Francis Sibson, M.D. F.R.S., Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
VII.—On Gangrene of the Lung. By Francis George Probart M.D. Edin., Senior Physician of the Suffolk Hospital.
VIII.—Case of Plastic Bronchitis. By Humphry Sandwith, M.D., Physician to the Hull General Infirmary. (With Plate)
IX.—On the Action of the Muscular Coat of the Bronchial Tubes in Respiration, and on the Exciting Cause of Inspiration en of Expiration. By C. Radclyffe Hall, M.D., Torquay, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh; late Physiciab to the Bristol.
Officers and Council of the Association.
Officers of the District Branches.
Honorary Member and Honorary Corresponds.
General List of Members.