Page:Transactions of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, volume 2.djvu/108

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Gwithian. For a list of some of the shells found on this coast, see the Appendix, No. III.


Having given, in the preceding chapter, some account of the nature and character of the locality on which the inhabitants are placed, and of those natural influences to which they are inevitably subjected, it remains to consider some of the other circumstances incidental to their situation and mode of life, which, although for the most part neither inevitable nor of fixed and uniform character, like the preceding, have, probably, as great and certain powers in influencing and modifying health. Previously, however, to the consideration of these, it will be necessary to give some account of the inhabitants, as far, at least, as regards their number, the nature of their occupations, &c.

Classes of Inhabitants.─By the census in 1821, the number of inhabitants in this district was 60,642 The number of families is stated to be 11,849, (being somewhat more than five persons to each family) of which are

Families chiefly employed in Agriculture, 3,081
Families chiefly employed in Trade, Manufactures, or Handicraft 3,237
All other Families not comprised in these two classes, 5,531

It is impossible, from the Parliamentary returns alone, to ascertain, with any degree of correctness, the number of persons employed in any other occupation,