Page:Transactions of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, volume 2.djvu/169

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It results from Tables XXIII. and XXIV. that in the whole fifteen agricultural parishes of the Landsend, the proportion of persons that reach the 70th and 80th year, is considerably greater than that recorded in the Carlisle Tables, although the number that reach the next highest decennial period is greater in Carlisle; and from Table XXV. it appears that the proportion of persons alive, in 1821, above their 70th year, was very considerably greater in the whole agricultural parishes, than in either the county of Cornwall or in all England.

In the three purely agricultural parishes of the Landsend, however, all the Tables exhibit a remarkable superiority of numbers after the 70th year, as will appear from the following abstract:─

Proportion of Deaths above the 70th year.
In Carlisle, 2277
In the fifteen agricultural parishes of the Landsend, 2360
In the three agricultural parishes of the Landsend, 2999

Table XXV. presents analogous results, from the numbers living at the same advanced periods of life, as appears from the following abstract:─

Proportion of Persons living above the 70th year.
In all England, 581
In the county of Cornwall, 648
In the fifteen agricultural parishes of the Landsend, 782
In the three agricultural parishes of the Landsend, 908

I observed, on a former occasion, that female life not only was best calculated to show the relative, but absolute, longevity of different places. And it will appear from this test, as exhibited in Table XXVI. that the Landsend District still vindicates its superiority in a very striking manner. In this Table I