Page:Transactions of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, volume 2.djvu/217

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respective ages of all who had died in a period of ten years; viz. from 1813 to 1822 inclusive. By means of the results thus obtained, Mr. Rankin was enabled to calculate the expectations of life at the several ages in this locality.

Total of Burials in the City of Bristol and Bedminster, from 1813 to 1822 inclusive.
All Saints, Christ Church, and Cathedral, 279
St. Augustine, 1183
St. James, 1884
St. John, 137
St. Mary Radcliff, 1330
St. Mary-le-Port, 128
St. Michael, 1109
St. Nicholas, 286
St. Paul, 851
St. Peter, 259
St. Philip and Jacob, 2437
St. Stephen, 352
St. Thomas, 268
St Werburgh, 54
St. Mary (Bedminster,) 1265
Temple or Holy Cross, 1903
Total from Parish Registers, 13670
Total from Dissenters' and Private Burial Grounds 6896
Grand Total in 10 years, 20566

If we divide the whole mortality stated in the above table by 10, in order to obtain the average annual number of deaths, and make the result the divisor of the population[1] the ratio of mortality will be about 1 in 45. In London the ratio is 1 in 40; in Liverpool the same; in Birmingham 1 in 43.

  1. The population of Bristol and the Out-parishes, is 92434.