Page:Transactions of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, volume 4.djvu/229

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Table 92.—Shewing the number of families in the eastern and western divisions, and in the whole district, in 1811, 1821, 1831, with their occupation, as far as can be ascertained from the population returns.

1811 1821 1831
Fam. employed. Fam. employed. Fam. employed.
Agril. Trade. Others. Agril. Trade. Others. Agril. Trade. Others.
Eastern Division. 832 176 122 961 269 100 944 350 297
Western Division 675 334 167 750 432 108 631 460 398
Whole District 1507 510 289 1711 701 208 1575 810 695

Referring to the whole district it appears, from the above table, that there is a decrease of 136 in the number of agricultural families in 1831, compared with 1821. The parliamentary returns shew a similar, though not so great a decrease, throughout Great Britain: a fact surely indicating some undue or unequal pressure upon the agricultural interest of the country. There is no manufacture carried on in the district under consideration; and only such handicraft business as is sufficient for the demands of the resident inhabitants. With an increasing population, therefore, a decrease in the number of families employed in agriculture, must be distributed among the little shop-keepers, the beer or public-house keepers, labourers, or paupers.

From the two preceding tables, we find that, in