Page:Transactions of the Second International Folk-Congress.djvu/19

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History of the Congress.

the Zeitschrift für Volkskunde. Grave charges had been made in the interval, implicating the good faith as well as the scholarship of this gentleman. The Organising Committee felt that they could not recommend Dr. Veckenstedt as a fit person for election to the proposed Council until these charges had been satisfactorily answered. He was asked to publish his answer in Folk-Lore, the official organ of the Folk-lore Society, as being the medium by which it would most readily reach the majority of the Congress members. A lengthy correspondence ensued, which ended in Dr. Veckenstedt's declining a nomination to the proposed Council—not, however, until a statement (the source of which it was not possible to trace) had gone the round of the German press to the effect that he had been appointed "honorary patron of the Congress".

The Executive Committee began its labours in March. The appointment of Chairmen of Sections, the carrying into effect of the recommendations made by the Literary and the Entertainment Committees, the organisation of an Exhibition of Folk4ore Objects, necessitated frequent and lengthened meetings; and it was only by dint of strenuous labour on the part of all concerned that the final arrangements were completed in time and satisfactorily.

It will be universally felt that the Executive Committee was as fortunate in its choice of sectional Chairmen as the Organising Committee had been in its choice of a President. The pages of this volume afford, indeed, but a faint idea of the services rendered to the Congress by the scholars who accepted the post, services which will be gratefully remembered by all who took part in the Congress.

To the Reception and Entertainments Committee was allotted the task of making the necessary arrangements for the comfort of foreign and country members whilst in town. There gradually fell to its share all that belonged to the social side of the Congress. A committee of ladies