Fifth. Semitic and Phoenician Migrations and Colonisations—Westward and Southward (South Africa).
Sixth. Aryan Migrations—Eastward and Westward.
Seventh. Later Archaian Migrations—Eastern—Elam to China (De Lacouperie)—Eastern Asia to the Islands of the Pacific, and to America.
Eighth. Southern Migrations from India to Australia. Indian Boomerangs—(Curr, Australian Aborigines, etc.)
Ninth. African Migrations (Stanley); and Traditions of Kaffirs and Hottentots, etc., in East and South, and of Tshi-speaking people, etc., in West Africa.
Tenth. Ancient Trade-routes—as from Chaldea to Sinai for Stone, in the fourth millennium B.C.—To Baltic for Amber from the third millennium (Jules Oppert)—From India to China, etc., etc.
Eleventh. Regions in which there is evidence either of the present or former existence of White Races in contact or conflict with Coloured or Black Races; and also of the present or former existence of Dwarfs.
Twelfth. Distribution of Megalithic Monuments—Peculiar Weapons—Special Artistic Designs, etc.
Thirteenth. Regions in which there is evidence either of the present or former existence of Matriarchal Customs, either coincidently with a Conflict of Higher and Lower Races, or otherwise.
Now, while all this vast mass of facts was not known, or not collected, it was certainly quite justifiable to endeavour to account for the extraordinary similarity of myths and tales all over the world by what was undoubtedly, within certain limits, a vera causa, namely, the similarity of the human mind among all Races. But I venture to think that, considering the immense psychological differences between Races, notwithstanding certain general psychological similarities, this mode of explanation has been carried further than facts will warrant; and I venture to think also that, where this mode of explanation falls short, it is most amply supplemented by such facts as those I have just indicated. Indeed, these facts of movement among Human Races have seemed to me not unfitly to call to mind those movements of the Starry Spheres, the discovery and recognition of which have created the New