List of Committees and Guarantors . . . vii
Introduction . . . xiii
Minutes (comprising List of International Folk-Lore Council) . xxiv
Andrew Lang. — Presidential Address . . . . 1
E. Sidney Hartland. — Chairman's Address . . 15
W. W. Newell.— Lady Featherflight, an inedited Folk-tale … 40
Discussion . . . . .65
Emmanuel Cosquin. — Quelques Observations sur les "Incidents communs aux Contes Européens et aux Contes Orientaux" . . 67
Joseph Jacobs. — The Science of Folk-Tales and the Problem of Diffusion . .... 76
Appendix. List of Folk-Tale Incidents common to European Folk-tales, with Bibliographical References, and Map . . 87
Discussion ..... 99
David MacRitchie.— The Historical Aspect of Folk-Lore 103
Discussion . . . 110
Alfred Nutt. — Problems of Heroic Legend . . 113
Ilmari Krohn. — La Chanson Populaire en Finlande . . 135
(Myth, Ritual, and Magic.)
Prof. John Rhys. — Chairman's Address . . 143
Charles Ploix. — Le Mythe de l'Odyssée . . . 161
Charles G. Leland. — Etrusco-Roman Remains in Modern Tuscan Tradition . 185
Discussion . . . 20l
W. R. Paton. — The Holy Names of the Eleusinian Priests . . 202
Appendix ..... 212
J. S. Stuart-Glennie. — The Origins of Mythology . . 215
Discussion .... . 226
Miss Mary A. Owen. — Among the Voodoos 230
Discussion ...... 248
J. E. Crombie. — The Saliva Superstition . . 249