Page:Translations from Camoens; and Other Poets.pdf/63

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NO bitter tears for thee be shed,
Blossom of being! seen and gone!
With flowers alone we strew thy bed,
    O blest departed One!
Whose all of life, a rosy ray,
Blushed into dawn, and passed away.

Yes! thou art fled, ere guilt had power
To stain thy cherub-soul and form,
Closed is the soft ephemeral flower,
    That never felt a storm!
The sunbeam's smile, the zephyr's breath,
All that it knew from birth to death.

Thou wert so like a form of light,
That Heaven benignly called thee hence,
Ere yet the world could breathe one blight
    O'er thy sweet innocence:
And thou, that brighter home to bless,
Art passed, with all thy loveliness!