Page:Travel and Adventure in South-East Africa.djvu/18

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—Desertion of our guide—A rough country—Fever—Get back to my waggon—Return to Matabililand and the Transvaal—Revisit Mashunaland in 1883—Form hunting camp on the Manyami river.

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Prepare for journey to the Mazoe and Sabi rivers—Lichtenstein's hartebeest—Shoot wart-hog and tsessebe antelope—Shoot roan antelope cow with fine horns—Eland-hunting—Large wart-hog shot—Cross the Manyami—Fine country— Devastations of the Matabili—Ostrich-shooting—Find ostrich's nest—Wound cock ostrich—A cold wet night—Resume my journey—Roan antelope shot—Reach Sadza's villages—Eland-hunting—Hyæna carries off eland skin—Hyæna killed—Another eland shot—Skin spoilt by the natives—Reach the Sabi—Description of natives of this district—Search for Lichtenstein's hartebeest—Mount Gato—Cross the Masheki—Large baboon shot—Scarcity of game—Cross the Sabi—Black rhinoceros shot—Lion heard at night—Return to main camp.

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First expedition sent by Lo Bengula against the Batauwani—Difficulties of the journey—Expedition only partially successful—Vitality of savages—Failure of the second expedition to Lake Ngami—Pulinglela, a brother of Lo Bengula, shot—Many Matabili drowned in the Botletli—Horrors of the return journey across the desert—Murder of Bushmen—The Masarwas—Their language—Racial affinities—Weapons, etc.—Great antiquity of the Bushman race—Researches of Dr. Hillier—Further notes on the Masarwas—Their sense of locality—The Bakalahari—Chameluga, the wizard of Situngweesa—Prosperity of his people—Their country devastated by the Matabili—Murder of Chameluga—Escape of his son—Flight of his people—Massacre of Mashunas on the Bembisan river.

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Break up camp—Waggon breaks down—Send Laer to Grant's camp for another wheel—Follow on horseback—Laer meets five lions—Return to my waggons—Shoot a leopard—Oxen attacked by a lion at the Umfuli—Laer kills the lion—Move camp to the River Zweswi—Shoot another large lion—Return to Matabililand—The Sea-Cow row—Unjust treatment at the hands of the Matabili.

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Return to the Transvaal—Meet Mr. Montagu Kerr—We travel together to Matabililand—Mr. Kerr starts for Lake Nyassa—Journey to the Mababi—Man-eating lion—Another lion story—Return to Sode Gara—Giraffe-hunting—A tropical thunderstorm—Meet Mr. Watson—Trek out to Tati.

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Ride to Bulawayo—Exposure to rain—Determine to hunt in Mashaunaland again—Make an early start for the hunting veld—The white rhinoceros—My best