Page:Travels in Mexico and life among the Mexicans.djvu/671

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Cuautitlan, town of, 470
Cubas, Señor A. G., 272
Cubas, Señor A. G., 414
Cubas, Señor A. G., 484
Cuernavaca, 400
vale of, 405
Cuidado (beware), 381
Cuilapan, town of, 529
Cuisine, economy of the Mexican, 44
Cusihuiriachic, mining district of, 619
Customs, table, 134
duties, 182
officials, polite, 182
Customs of the Border Mexican, 614
Cypress, of Noche Triste, 268
of Chapultepec, 355
Dance, the Mestiza, 122
Dancing against one's will, 123
Death scene, a, 124
Depopulated towns, 634
Denounce, to, "in the mining code of Mexico, implies that process by which a legal right of possession is obtained to a particular portion of a-vein, worked or unworked, known or unknown, which a miner chooses to select."
Desagüe (drain) of Huehuetoca, 242
Desierto, el, 363
convent of, 367
bridge at, 368
Devil, the, 291
Diaz, Bernal, a native of Medina del Campo in Old Castile, came to the New World in 1514: historian of the conquest, 40
quoted from, 185
quoted from, 238
Diaz, General Porfirio, Ex-President, fight of, with the French, 516
Diaz de Solis, Juan, 40
Diego, Juan, and his apparition, 369
Diligence, Journey in a, et seq. 396
the Mexican, 396
south from Monterey, 572
Disaster, a, 147
Diviner's House, 80
Dolores Hidalgo, 575
Dominguillo, village of, 518
Doncellas, of Jalapa, 191
of Hermosillo, 650
Donkey boys of Guaymas, 655
Don Domingo, 375
Doniphan, Col., 608
Dragoon Summit, 629
Drainage of Valley of Mexico, 242
Drainage of Valley of Mexico, 243
schemes for, 243
Dumb dog, the, 320
Durango, State of, 432
Dutch oven of a place, 654
Dwellings, of the Dead (Mitla), 535
of the different zones, 213
Eagle Pass, 580
Eagle Pass, 591
Eaton, Rev. J. D., 617
Egyptian resemblances, 98
Egyptian resemblances, 102
Ejutla, valley of, 511
Ejutla, valley of, 523
Electric Light, the, 355
"Elephant Trunks," at Uxmal, 79
El Paso, city, 595
valley, 596
Embarcaderos, 136
Embrace, a Mexican, 289
Empeños, Los, 283
Encinillas, station of, 607
Engineer, the ubiquitous, 188
English language, a town in which it had never been spoken, 120
newspapers in, 304
Escandon, Señor, 416
Esperanza, station of, 217
long ride to, 547
Estrella de la Mar, 177
Estrella, Cerro de la, 336
Etla, valley of, 520
Europeans, in Mexico, 272
Evans, Captain, 309
Fairlie engine, the, 217
Farmer, a Mexican, 407
Farming in Chihuahua, 625
Feasts and Festivals, et seq. 291
of the Aztecs, 295
of the Church, 295
Feather work, Aztec, 321
Felipe, Don, and his cow, 348
a medico, 376
Ferrocarril Mexicana, 218
Ferrocarriles Mexicanos, los, 419
Fiebeger, Lieut. G. J., 628
replies to Crook's detractors, 640
Fiesta, a, 518
Figures in wax, 322
Figures in wax, 326
Filigree work, silver, 321
Fire, the new, 337
Floating Gardens, 332-336
Florida coast, off the, 550
Florida River, 624
Florida River, 625
Flores, Padre, 467
Flores, town of, 168
Flower market, the, 331
Flowers, where they come from, 332
Font, ancient, in Tlascala, 494
Font, ancient, in Tlascala, 495