Page:Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World by Lemuel Gulliver First a Surgeon, and then a Captain of Several Ships.djvu/26

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Mildendo the Metropolis of Lilliput describ'd, together with the Emperor's Palace. A Conversation between the Author and a principal Secretary, concerning the Affairs of that Empire. The Author's Offers to serve the Emperor in his Wars

Page 38

The Author by an extraoi'dinary Stratagem, prevents an Invasion. A high Title of Honour is conferr'd upon him. Ambassadors arrive from the Emperor of Blefuscu, and sue for Peace


Of the Inhabitants of Lilliput, their Learnings, Laws, and Customs, the Manner of educating their Children. The Author's way of living in that Countrey. His Vindication of a great Lady


The Author being informed of a Design to accuse him of High-Treason, makes his Escape to Blefuscu. His Reception there


The Author, by a lucky Accident, finds Means to leave Blefuscu; and, after some Difficulties, returns safe to his native Country