Page:Travels into several remote nations of the world. In four parts (1726 Volume 1).djvu/48

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A Voyage

Woods of half a Stang, and the talleſt Trees, as I could judge, appeared to be ſeven foot high. I viewed the Town on my left hand which looked like the painted Scene of a City in a Theatre.

I had been for ſome hours extremely preſsed by the Neceſſities of Nature; which was no wonder, it being almoſt two days ſince I had laſt disburthened my ſelf. I was under great Difficulties between Urgency and Shame. The beſt Expedient I could think on, was to creep into my Houſe, which I accordingly did; and ſhutting the gate after me, I went as far as the length of my Chain would {ls}}uffer, and diſcharged my Body of that uneaſy Load. But this was the only time I was ever guilty of ſo uncleanly an Action; for which I cannot but hope the candid Reader will give ſome Allowance, after he hath maturely and impartially conſidered my Caſe, and the Diſtreſs I was n. From this time my conſtant Practice was, as ſoon as I roſe, to perform thatBuſineſs