Page:Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile - In the Years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773 volume 1.djvu/552

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These were the calamities, we may suppose, under which the arts in Egypt fell; for, as to the foreign conquests of Nebuchadnezzar and his Babylonians, they affected cities and the persons of individuals only. They were temporary, never intended to have lasting consequences; their beginning and end were prophesied at the same time. That of the Assyrians was a plundering expedition only, as we are told by scripture itself, intended to last but forty years *[1], half the life of man, given, for a particular purpose, for the indemnification of the king Nebuchadnezzar, for the hardships he sustained at the siege of Tyre, where the obstinacy of the inhabitants, in destroying their wealth, deprived the conqueror of his expected booty. The Babylonians were a people the most polished after the Egyptians. Egypt under them suffered by rapacity, but not by ignorance, as it did in all the conquests of the Shepherds.

After Thebes was destroyed by the first Shepherds, commerce, and it is probable the arts with it, fled for a time from Egypt, and centered in Edom, a city and territory, tho' we know little of its history, at that period the richest in the world. David, in the very neighbourhood of Tyre and Sidon, calls Edom the strong city; "Who will bring me into the strong city?Who will lead me into Edom †[2]?" David, from an old quarrel, and probably from the recent instigations of the Tyrians his friends, invaded Edom ‡[3], destroyed the city, and dispersed the people. He was the great military power then upon the continent; Tyre and Edom were rivals; and his conquest of that last

  1. * Ezek. chap. xxix. ver. 11.
  2. † Psalm. chap. lx. ver. 9. and Psal. cviii. ver. 10.
  3. ‡ 2 Sam. chap. viii. ver. 14. 1 Kings chap. x. ver. 15, 16.


  • Ezek. chap. xxix. ver. 11. † Psalm. chap. lx. ver. 9. and Psal. cviii. ver. 10.

‡ 2 Sam. chap. viii. ver. 14. 1 Kings chap. x. ver. 15, 16.