Page:Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile - In the Years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773 volume 4.djvu/393

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Sunday, my feftival, and that I never \vent out upon any buiinels.

IThis excufe paffed as to the Shekh, but at noon a black common Have came down with a meiFage from her mif- trefles, who thought the anfwer given to the Kaiya was a refuflil. They faid, they v/ere forry if I had not meat to my hking ; that they drefled it with their own hands every day in the beil manner poflible, but they would aker it in any refpect I chofe, if I would inilruc^ them. I foon found how necelTary it was to content my benefacftrefTes. I ex- plained my anfwer to the Shekh about Sunday ; but afTured them, that on Monday evening I fliould be with them, to vomit them till they were perfecT:ly fatisfied ; in the mean time, I took a fmall cup, which I filled with civet, and fent it by the Have to her miftrelles ; giving likewife, at the fame time, two handfuls of pepper for herfclf.

On the 30m, in the evening I went to the Shekh's houfe according to promife, and was carried into a large room, Avhere he was fitting alone, fmoaking in an alcove ; I fup- pofe meditating future mifchief, for he had no other ap- parent employment. He was perfedly fober, however, and feemed rather thoughtful ; was very civil, and thanked me in an unufual Urain of kindnefs, for the care I had taken of his family. I aflced him if he was recovered ? He declared, he had never been ib well in his life as fince I had given him the laft vomit ; but that he had received very bad news from Sennaar, that Mahomet Abou Calcc (the firft miniiler) had taken the greateft part of the horfe and troops, and was gone to Kordofan, a very diftant province, furrounded with deferts, where he governed independently ; and by his man- 3^ ners.
