Page:Treatise on poisons in relation to medical jurisprudence, physiology, and the practice of physic (IA treatiseonpoison00chriuoft).pdf/96

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After the preliminary observations on General Poisoning, I proceed next to treat of Poisons Individually. The subsequent remarks will be confined in a great measure to the most common poisons, which will be examined minutely. The rest being mere objects of curiosity, and hardly ever taken by man either intentionally or by accident, it will be sufficient to point out their leading properties.

It may be well to point out in the first instance the poisons in most general use. These will appear from the following Tables. The first is compiled from a Parliamentary Return of the cases of fatal poisoning brought before the coroners of England in two years ending with 1838.

1. Arsenical White arsenic 185
                    Yellow arsenic 1

2. Acids Sulphuric acid 32
                      Nitric acid 3
                      Oxalic acid 19

3. Mercurials Corrosive sublimate 12
                      White mercury 1
                      Turbith-mineral 1
                      Mercury (?) 1

4. Other mineral Tartar-emetic 2
   irritants Sulphate of iron 1
                      Chloride of tin 1
                      Subacetate of lead 1
                      Bichrom. of potash 1
                      Percussion powder 1
                      Carbonate of potash 1
                      Black-ash 1

5. Veget. irritants Colchicum 3
                      Hellebore 1
                      Savin 1
                      Cayenne 1
                      Castor seeds 1
                      Morison pills 1

6. Anim. irrits. Cantharides 2

7. Opium Opium or Laudan. 180
                      Opium & nitric acid 1
                      Poppy-syrup 4
                      Godfrey's Cordial 6
                      Morphia 1
                      Acetate of morphia 1

8. Hydrocyanic Med. Hydroc. acid 27
   acid Do. and Laudanum 1
                      Ess. oil of Almonds 5
                      Bay-leaves 1

9. Other veget. Nux-vomica 3
   Narcotics Strychnia 2
                      Belladonna 2
                      Hemlock 1
                      Monkshood 2
                      Spirits 4
                      Fungi 4

10. Narcot. gases. Coal-gas 2

11. Unascertained 22

                            Total 543