Page:Treaty of Peace - Trianon (1920).pdf/21

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thence north-eastwards to the salient of the administrative boundary between the comitats of Csanad and Arad north-north-west of Nemetpereg,

a line to be fixed on the ground passing between Nagylak and the railway station;

thence east-north-eastwards to a point to be selected on the ground between Battonya and Tornya,

this administrative boundary, passing north of Nemetpereg and Kispereg;

thence to point 123 (about 1.2 kilometres east of Magosliget), the point common to the three frontiers of Hungary, Roumania and Czecho-Slovakia (Ruthenian territory),

a line to be fixed on the ground passing west of Nagyvarjas, Kisvarjas and Nagyiratos, east of Dombegyhaz, Kevermes and Elek, west of Ottlaka, Nagy-Pel, Gyula-Varsand, Ant and Illye, east of Gyula, Gyula-Vari and Kötegyan, cutting the Nagyszalonta–Gyula railway about 12 kilometres south-west of Nagyszalonta and between the two bifurcations formed by the crossing of this line and the Szeghalom–Erdögyarak railway; passing east of Mehkerek, west of Nagyszalonta and Marczihaza, east of Geszt, west of Atyas, Olah-Szt-Miklos and Rojt, east of Ugra and Harsany, west of Körösszeg and Körös-Tarjan, east of Szakal and Berek-Böszörmeny, west of Bors, east of Artand, west of Nagy-Szanto, east of Nagy-Kereki, west of Pelbarthida and Bihardioszeg, east of Kis-Marja, west of Csokaly, east of Nagyleta and Almosd, west of Er-Selind, east of Bagamer, west of Er-Kenez and Ermihalyfalva, east of Szt-György-Abrany and Peneszlek, west of Szaniszlo, Bere-Csomaköz, Feny, Csanalos, Börvely and Domahida, east of Vallaj, west of Csenger-Bagos and Ovari, east of Csenger-Ujfalu, west of Dara, east of Csenger and Komlod-Totfalu, west of Pete, east of Nagy-Gecz, west of Szaraz-Berek, east of Mehtelek, Garbolcz and Nagy-Hodos, west of Fertös-Almas, east of Kis-Hodos, west of Nagy-Palad, east of Kis-Palad and Magosliget.

4. With Czecho-Slovakia:

From point 123 described above north-westwards to a point to be selected on the course of the Batar about 1 kilometre east of Magosliget,

a line to be fixed on the ground;

thence the course of the Batar downstream;

then to a point to be selected on it below Badalo and near this village,

the course of the Tisza downstream;

thence north-north-westwards to a point to be selected on the ground north-east of Darocz,

a line to be fixed on the ground leaving in the Ruthenian territory of Czecho-Slovakia Badalo, Csoma, Macsola, Asztely and Deda, and in Hungarian territory Bereg-Surany and Darocz;

thence north-westwards to the confluence of the Fekete-Viz and the Csaronda,

a line to be fixed on the ground passing through point 179, leaving in Ruthenian territory Mezö Kaszony, Lonyay Tn., Degenfeld Tn., Hetyen, Horvathi Tn., Komjathy Tn., and in Hungarian territory Kerek Gorond Tn., Berki Tn. and Barabas;

thence to a point to be selected in its course above the administrative boundary between the comitats of Szabolcs and Bereg,

the course of the Csaronda downstream;

thence westwards to the point where the above-mentioned boundary coming from the right bank cuts the course of the Tisza,

a line to be fixed on the ground;

thence to a point to be selected on the ground east-south-east of Tarkany,

the course of the Tisza downstream;

thence approximately westwards to a point in the Ronyva about 3.7 kilometres north of the bridge between the town and the station of Satoralja-Ujhely,

a line to be fixed on the ground leaving to Czecho-Slovakia Tarkany, Perbenyik, Orös, Kis-Kövesd, Bodrog-Szerdahely, Bodrog-Szog, and Borsi, and to Hungary Damoc, Laca, Rozvagy, Pacin, Karos, Felsö-Berecki, crossing the Bodrog and cutting the railway triangle south-east of Satoralja-Ujhely, passing east of this town so as to leave the Kassa–Csap railway entirely in Czecho-Slovak territory;