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Hungarian-protected persons, semsars and “associés agricoles” shall be considered to have ceased, as from August 12, 1914, to enjoy the privileges attached to their status, and shall be subject to the ordinary law.

Article 83.

All movable and immovable property in the Sherifian Empire belonging to the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy passes ipso facto to the Maghzen without compensation.

For this purpose, the property and possessions of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy shall be deemed to include all the property of the Crown, and the private property of members of the former Royal Family of Austria-Hungary.

All movable and immovable property in the Sherifian Empire belonging to Hungarian nationals shall be dealt with in accordance with Sections III and IV of Part X (Economic Clauses) of the present Treaty.

Mining rights which may be recognised as belonging to Hungarian nationals by the Court of Arbitration set up under the Moroccan Mining Regulations shall be treated in the same way as property in Morocco belonging to Hungarian nationals.

Article 84.

The Hungarian Government shall ensure the transfer to the person nominated by the French Government of the shares representing Hungary’s portion of the capital of the State Bank of Morocco. This person will repay to the persons entitled thereto the value of these shares, which shall be indicated by the State Bank.

This transfer will take place without prejudice to the repayment of debts which Hungarian nationals may have contracted towards the State Bank of Morocco.

Article 85.

Moroccan goods entering Hungary shall enjoy the treatment accorded to French goods.

Section II.

Article 86.

Hungary declares that she recognises the Protectorate proclaimed over Egypt by Great Britain on December 18, 1914, and that she renounces so far as she is concerned the régime of the capitulations in Egypt.

This renunciation shall take effect as from August 12, 1914.

Article 87.

All treaties, agreements, arrangements and contracts concluded by the Government of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy with Egypt are regarded as abrogated as from August 12, 1914.

In no case can Hungary avail herself of these instruments, and she undertakes not to intervene in any way in negotiations relating to Egypt which may take place between Great Britain and the other Powers.

Article 88.

Until an Egyptian law of judicial organization establishing courts with universal jurisdiction comes into force, provision shall be made, by means of decrees issued by His Highness the Sultan, for the exercise of jurisdiction over Hungarian nationals and property by the British Consular Tribunals.

Article 89.

The Egyptian Government shall have complete liberty of action in regulating the status of Hungarian nationals and the conditions under which they may establish themselves in Egypt.

Article 90.

Hungary consents, so far as she is concerned, to the abrogation of the decree issued by His Highness the Khedive on November 28, 1904, relating to the Commission of the Egyptian Public Debt, or to such changes as the Egyptian Government may think it desirable to make therein.