Page:Treaty of Peace - Trianon (1920).pdf/37

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Within the same length of time, all arsenals shall also be closed down, except those to be used as depots for the authorised stocks of munitions, and their staffs discharged.

Article 116.

The plant of any establishments or arsenals in excess of the amount required for the manufacture authorised shall be rendered useless or converted to purely commercial purposes in accordance with the decisions of the Military Inter-Allied Commission of Control referred to in Article 137.

Article 117.

Within three months from the coming into force of the present Treaty all arms, munitions and war material, including any kind of anti-aircraft material, of whatever origin, existing in Hungary in excess of the quantity authorised shall be handed over to the Principal Allied and Associated Powers.

Delivery shall take place at such points in Hungarian territory as may be appointed by the said Powers, who shall also decide on the disposal of such material.

Article 118.

The importation into Hungary of arms, munitions and war material of all kinds is strictly forbidden.

The manufacture for foreign countries and the exportation of arms, munitions and war material shall also be forbidden.

Article 119.

The use of flame throwers, asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases, and all similar liquids, materials or devices being prohibited, their manufacture and importation are strictly forbidden in Hungary.

Material specially intended for the manufacture, storage or use of the said products or devices is equally forbidden.

The manufacture and importation into Hungary of armoured cars, tanks or any similar machines suitable for use in war are equally forbidden.

Table I.—Composition and Maximum Effectives of an Infantry Division.

Units Maximum Effectives of each unit
Officers Men
Headquarters of an Infantry Division 25 70
Headquarters of Divisional Infantry 5 50
Headquarters of Divisional Artillery 4 30
3 Regiments of Infantry* (on the basis of 65 officers and 2,000 men per regiment) 195 6,000
1 Squadron 6 160
1 Battalion of Trench Artillery (3 companies) 14 500
1 Battalion of Pioneers† (3 companies) 14 500
Regiment Field Artillery‡ 80 1,200
1 Battalion Cyclists (comprising 3 companies) 18 450
1 Signal Detachment§ 11 330
Divisional Medical Corps 28 550
Divisional parks and trains 14 940
Total for an Infantry Division 414 10,780

* Each Regiment comprises 3 Battalions of Infantry. Each Battalion comprises 3 Companies of Infantry and 1 Machine gun Company.

† Each Battalion comprises 1 Headquarters, 2 Pioneer Companies, 1 Bridging Section, 1 Searchlight Section.

‡ Each Regiment comprises 1 Headquarters, 3 Groups of Field or Mountain Artillery, comprising 8 Batteries; each Battery comprising 4 guns or howitzers (field or mountain).

§ This Detachment comprises 1 Telegraph and Telephone detachment, 1 Listening Section, 1 Carrier Pigeon Section.