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Article 123.

Articles, machinery and material arising from the breaking up of Austro-Hungarian warships of all kinds, whether surface vessels or submarines, may not be used except for purely industrial or commercial purposes.

They may not be sold or disposed of to foreign countries.

Article 124.

The construction or acquisition of any submarine, even for commercial purposes, shall be forbidden in Hungary.

Article 125.

All arms, ammunition and other naval war material, including mines and topedoes, which belonged to Austria-Hungary at the date of the signature of the Armistice of November 3, 1918, are declared to be finally surrendered to the Principal Allied and Associated Powers.

Article 126.

Hungary is held responsible for the delivery (Articles 120 and 125), the disarmament (Article 121), the demolition (Article 122), as well as the disposal (Article 121) and the use (Article 123) of the objects mentioned in the preceding Articles only so far as these remain in her own territory.

Article 127.

During the three months following the coming into force of the present Treaty, the Hungarian high-power wireless telegraphy station at Budapest shall not be used for the transmission of messages concerning naval, military or political questions of interest to Hungary, or any State which has been allied to Austria-Hungary in the war, without the assent of the Principal Allied and Associated Powers. This station may be used for commercial purposes, but only under the supervision of the said Powers, who will decide the wave-length to be used.

During the same period Hungary shall not build any more high-power wireless telegraphy stations in her own territory or that of Austria, Germany, Bulgaria or Turkey.

Section III.
Air Clauses.

Article 128.

The armed forces of Hungary must not include any military or naval air forces.

No dirigible shall be kept.

Article 129.

Within two months from the coming into force of the present Treaty, the personnel of the air forces on the rolls of the Hungarian land and sea forces shall be demobilised.

Article 130.

Until the complete evacuation of Hungarian territory by the Allied and Associated troops the aircraft of the Allied and Associated Powers shall enjoy in Hungary freedom of passage through the air, freedom of transit and of landing.

Article 131.

During the six months following the coming into force of the present Treaty, the manufacture, importation and exportation of aircraft, parts of aircraft, engines for aircraft, and parts of engines for aircraft shall be forbidden in all Hungarian territory.

Article 132.

On the coming into force of the present Treaty, all military and naval aeronautical material must be delivered by Hungary and at her expense to the Principal Allied and Associated Powers.

Delivery must be effected at such places as the Governments of the said Powers may select, and must be completed within three months.