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The Allied and Associated Powers undertake, so far as they are concerned, that from the coming into force of the present Treaty they will not enrol in nor attach to their armies or naval or air forces any Hungarian national for the purpose of assisting in the military training of such armies or naval or air forces, or otherwise employ any such Hungarian national as military, naval or aeronautic instructor.

The present provision does not, however, affect the right of France to recruit for the Foreign Legion in accordance with French military laws and regulations.

Article 143.

So long as the present Treaty remains in force, Hungary undertakes to submit to any investigation which the Council of the League of Nations, acting if need be by a majority vote, may consider necessary.

Part VI.
Prisoners of War and Graves.

Section I.
Prisoners of War.

Article 144.

The repatriation of Hungarian prisoners of war and interned civilians shall take place as soon as possible after the coming into force of the present Treaty, and shall be carried out with the greatest rapidity.

Article 145.

The repatriation of Hungarian prisoners of war and interned civilians shall, in accordance with Article 144, be carried out by a Commission composed of representatives of the Allied and Associated Powers on the one part and of the Hungarian Government on the other part.

For each of the Allied and Associated Powers a Sub-Commission composed exclusively of representatives of the interested Power and of delegates of the Hungarian Government shall regulate the details of carrying into effect the repatriation of prisoners of war.

Article 146.

From the time of their delivery into the hands of the Hungarian authorities, the prisoners of war and interned civilians are to be returned without delay to their homes by the said authorities.

Those among them who before the war were habitually resident in territory occupied by the troops of the Allied and Associated Powers are likewise to be sent to their homes, subject to the consent and control of the military authorities of the Allied and Associated armies of occupation.

Article 147.

The whole cost of repatriation from the moment of starting shall be borne by the Hungarian Government, who shall also provide means of transport and working personnel as considered necessary by the Commission referred to in Article 145.

Article 148.

Prisoners of war and interned civilians awaiting disposal or undergoing sentence for offences against discipline shall be repatriated irrespective of the completion of their sentence or of the proceedings pending against them.

This stipulation shall not apply to prisoners of war and interned civilians punished for offences committed subsequent to January 1, 1920.

During the period pending their repatriation, all prisoners of war and interned civilians shall remain subject to the existing regulations, more especially as regards work and discipline.