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the amount of that issue for which it is held responsible in accordance with the assessment of the Reparation Commission, shall receive from the Reparation Commission its due proportionate share of each of the new issues of bonds issued in accordance with the provisions of this Annex.

Holders of unsecured bonds of the old Hungarian Government debt held outside the boundaries of the States to which territory of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy is transferred, or States arising out of the dismemberment of that Monarchy, including Hungary, shall deliver through the agency of their respective Governments to the Reparation Commission the bonds which they hold, and in exchange therefor the Reparation Commission shall deliver to them certificates entitling them to their due proportionate share of each of the new issues of bonds corresponding to and issued in exchange for their surrendered bonds under the provisions of this Annex.

The share of each State or private holder entitled to a share in any new issue of bonds issued in accordance with the provisions of this Annex shall bear such proportion to the total amount of bonds of that new issue as the holding of the State or private owner in question of the old issue of bonds bears to the total amount of the old issue presented to the Reparation Commission for exchange into new bonds in accordance with the provisions of this Annex.

The Reparation Commission shall, if it think fit, arrange with the holders of the new bonds provided for by this Annex a consolidation loan of each debtor State, the bonds of which loan shall be substituted for the various different issues of new bonds on such terms as may be agreed upon by the Commission and the bondholders.

The State assuming liability for any bond of the former Hungarian Government shall assume any liability attaching to the bond in respect of unpaid coupons or sinking fund instalments accrued since the date of the coming into force of the present Treaty.

In addition to the former unsecured Hungarian Government bonded debt to be divided as above, there shall also be divided among the several States, in the same proportion, the amount of the former unsecured Austrian Government bonded debt which represents the liability of the former Hungarian Government for that debt, as provided by the additional Convention relating to the contribution of the countries of the Sacred Hungarian Crown to the charges of the general debt of the Austro-Hungarian State approved by the Austro-Hungarian Law of December 30, 1907, B.L.I., No. 278.

Each State which, in virtue of the present Treaty, assumes responsibility for a part of this Austrian debt shall deliver to the Reparation Commission new securities for an amount equal to the part of the above-mentioned Austrian debt which is attributed to it.

The terms of these securities shall be fixed by the Reparation Commission. They shall be such as to represent as exactly as possible the terms of the former Austrian securities for which these securities are to be substituted. The new securities will be delivered to the States or holders of Austrian securities, who will have the right to a portion of each of the new issues made in accordance with the provisions of the Annex to Article 203 of the Treaty with Austria.

Article 187.

1. In case the new boundaries of any States, as laid down by the present Treaty, shall divide any local area which was a single unit for borrowing purposes and which had a legally constituted public debt, such debt shall be divided between the new divisions of the area in a proportion to be determined by the Reparation Commission in accordance with the principles laid down for the reapportionment of Government debts under Article 186 of the present Treaty, and the responsibility so assumed shall be discharged in such a manner as the Reparation Commission shall determine.

2. The public debt of Bosnia and Herzegovina shall be regarded as the debt of a local area and not as part of the public debt of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy.

Article 188.

Within two months of the coming into force of the present Treaty, each one of the States to which territory of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy is transferred in accordance with the present Treaty, and each one of the States arising from the dismemberment of that Monarchy, including Hungary, shall, if it has not already