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After the liquidation of the bank is completed, the Reparation Commission shall destroy the notes thus withdrawn.


No notes issued on or prior to October 27, 1918, wherever they may be held, will rank as claims against the bank unless they are presented through the Government of the country in which they are held.

Article 190.

Each one of the States to which territory of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy is transferred, and each one of the States arising from the dismemberment of that Monarchy, including Hungary, shall deal as it thinks fit with the petty or token coinage of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy existing in its territory.

No such State shall have any recourse under any circumstances, on behalf either of itself or of its nationals, against any other State with regard to such petty or token coinage.

Article 191.

States to which territory of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy is transferred and States arising from the dismemberment of that Monarchy shall acquire all property and possessions situated within their territories belonging to the former or existing Hungarian Government.

For the purposes of this Article, the property and possessions of the former or existing Hungarian Government shall be deemed to include the property of the former Kingdom of Hungary and the interests of that Kingdom in the joint property of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, as well as all the property of the Crown and the private property of members of the former Royal Family of Austria-Hungary.

These States shall, however, have no claim to any property of the former or existing Government of Hungary situated outside their own respective territories.

The value of such property and possessions acquired by States other than Hungary shall be fixed by the Reparation Commission and placed by that Commission to the credit of Hungary and to the debit of the State acquiring such property on account of the sums due for reparation. The Reparation Commission shall deduct from the value of the public property thus acquired an amount proportionate to the contribution in money, land, or material made directly by any province or commune or other autonomous local authority towards the cost of such property.

Without prejudice to Article 186 relating to secured debt, in the case of each State acquiring property under the provisions of this Article, the amount placed to the credit of Hungary and to the debit of the said State in accordance with the preceding paragraph shall be reduced by the value of the amount of the liability in respect of the unsecured debt of the former Hungarian Government assumed by that State under the provisions of Article 186 which, in the opinion of the Reparation Commission, represents expenditure upon the property so acquired. The value shall be fixed by the Reparation Commission on such basis as the Commission may consider equitable.

Property of the former and existing Hungarian Government shall be deemed to include a share of the real property in Bosnia-Herzegovina of all descriptions for which, under Article 5 of the Convention of February 26, 1909, the Government of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy paid £T.2,500,000 to the Ottoman Government. Such share shall be proportionate to the share which the former Kingdom of Hungary contributed to the above payment, and the value of this share, as assessed by the Reparation Commission, shall be credited to Hungary on account of reparation.

As exception to the above there shall be transferred without payment:

(1) the property and possessions of provinces, communes and other local autonomous institutions of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, including those in Bosnia-Herzegovina which did not belong to the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy;

(2) schools and hospitals the property of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy.

Further, any building or other property situated in the respective territories transferred to the States referred to in the first paragraph whose principal value lies in its historic interest and associations, and which formerly belonged to the Kingdom