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Article 222.

Hungary undertakes, within twelve months of the coming into force of the present Treaty, to adhere in the prescribed form to the International Convention of Berne of September 9, 1886, for the protection of literary and artistic works, revised at Berlin on November 13, 1908, and completed by the Additional Protocol signed at Berne on March 20, 1914, relating to the protection of literary and artistic works.

Until her adherence, Hungary undertakes to recognise and protect by effective measures and in accordance with the principles of the said Convention the literary and artistic works of nationals of the Allied and Associated Powers.

In addition, and irrespective of the above-mentioned adherence, Hungary undertakes to continue to assure such recognition and such protection to all literary and artistic works of the nationals of each of the Allied and Associated Powers to an extent at least as great as upon July 28, 1914, and upon the same conditions.

Article 223.

Hungary undertakes to adhere to the following Conventions:

(1) Convention of September 26, 1906, for the suppression of the use of white phosphorus in the manufacture of matches.

(2) Convention of December 31, 1913, regarding the unification of commercial statistics.

Article 224.

Each of the Allied or Associated Powers, being guided by the general principles or special provisions of the present Treaty, shall notify to Hungary the bilateral agreements of all kinds which were in force between her and the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, and which she wishes should be in force as between her and Hungary.

The notification referred to in the present Article shall be made either directly or through the intermediary of another Power. Receipt thereof shall be acknowledged in writing by Hungary. The date of the coming into force shall be that of the notification.

The Allied and Associated Powers undertake among themselves not to apply as between themselves and Hungary any agreements which are not in accordance with the terms of the present Treaty.

The notification shall mention any provisions of the said agreements which, not being in accordance with the terms of the present Treaty, shall not be considered as coming into force.

In case of any difference of opinion, the League of Nations will be called on to decide.

A period of six months from the coming into force of the present Treaty is allowed to the Allied and Associated Powers within which to make the notification.

Only those bilateral agreements which have been the subject of such a notification shall be put in force between the Allied and Associated Powers and Hungary.

The above rules apply to all bilateral agreements existing between any Allied and Associated Powers signatories to the present Treaty and Hungary, even if the said Allied and Associated Powers have not been in a state of war with Hungary.

Article 225.

Hungary hereby recognises that all treaties, conventions or agreements concluded by her, or by the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, with Germany, Austria, Bulgaria or Turkey since August 1, 1914, until the coming into force of the present Treaty, are of no effect.

Article 226.

Hungary undertakes to secure to the Allied and Associated Powers, and to the officials and nationals of the said Powers, the enjoyment of all the rights and advantages of any kind which she, or the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, may have granted to Germany, Austria, Bulgaria or Turkey, or to the officials and nationals of these States by treaties, conventions or arrangements concluded before August 1, 1914, so long as those treaties, conventions or arrangements are in force.

The Allied and Associated Powers reserve the right to accept or not the enjoyment of these rights and advantages.