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of such Allied or Associated Power with regard to their property, rights and interests in the territory of other enemy Powers, in so far as those claims are otherwise unsatisfied.


Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 232, where immediately before the outbreak of war a company incorporated in an Allied or Associated State had rights in common with a company controlled by it and incorporated in Hungary to the use of trade-marks in third countries, or enjoyed the use in common with such company of unique means of reproduction of goods or articles for sale in third countries, the former company shall alone have the right to use these trade-marks in third countries to the exclusion of the Hungarian company, and these unique means of reproduction shall be handed over to the former company, notwithstanding any action taken under war legislation in force in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy with regard to the latter company or its business, industrial property or shares. Nevertheless, the former company, if requested, shall deliver to the latter company derivative copies permitting the continuation of reproduction of articles for use in Hungary.


Up to the time when restitution is carried out in accordance with Article 232, Hungary is responsible for the conservation of property, rights and interests of the nationals of Allied or Associated Powers, including companies and associations in which they are interested, that have been subjected by her to exceptional war measures.


Within one year from the coming into force of the present Treaty the Allied or Associated Powers will specify the property, rights and interests over which they intend to exercise the right provided in Article 232, paragraph (f).


The restitution provided in Article 232 will be carried out by order of the Hungarian Government or of the authorities which have been substituted for it. Detailed accounts of the action of administrators shall be furnished to the interested persons by the Hungarian authorities upon request, which may be made at any time after the coming into force of the present Treaty.


Until completion of the liquidation provided for by Article 232, paragraph (b), the property, rights and interests of the persons referred to in that paragraph will continue to be subject to exceptional war measures that have been or will be taken with regard to them.


Hungary will, within six months from the coming into force of the present Treaty, deliver to each Allied or Associated Power all securities, certificates, deeds or other documents of title held by its nationals and relating to property, rights or interests situated in the territory of that Allied or Associated Power, including any shares, stock, debentures, debenture stock or other obligations of any company incorporated in accordance with the laws of that Power.

Hungary will at any time on demand of any Allied or Associated Power furnish such information as may be required with regard to the property, rights and interests of Hungarian nationals within the territory of such Allied or Associated Power, or with regard to any transactions concerning such property, rights or interests effected since July 1, 1914.


The expression “cash assets” includes all deposits or funds established before or after the existence of a state of war, as well as all assets coming from deposits, revenues, or profits collected by administrators, sequestrators, or others from funds placed on deposit or otherwise, but does not include sums belonging to the Allied or Associated Powers or to their component States, Provinces or Municipalities.


All investments wheresoever effected with the cash assets of nationals of the High Contracting Parties, including companies and associations in which such nationals were interested, by persons responsible for the administration of enemy