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continued existence of any licence entered into before the war, but shall remain valid and of full effect, and a licence so granted to the former beneficiary of a licence entered into before the war shall be considered as substituted for such licence.

Where sums have been paid during the war in respect of the rights of persons referred to in Article 232 (b) by virtue of a licence or agreement concluded before the war in respect of rights of industrial property or for the reproduction or the representation of literary, dramatic or artistic works, these sums shall be dealt with in the same manner as other debts or credits of such persons as provided by the present Treaty.

This Article shall not apply as between the United States of America on the one hand and Hungary on the other.

Section VIII.
Special Provisions Relating to Transferred Territory.

Article 246.

Of the individuals and juridical persons previously nationals of the former Kingdom of Hungary, including Bosnia-Herzegovinians, those who acquire ipso facto under the present Treaty the nationality of an Allied or Associated Power are designated in the provisions which follow by the expression “nationals of the former Kingdom of Hungary”; the remainder are designated by the expression “Hungarian nationals.”

Article 247.

The inhabitants of territories transferred by virtue of the present Treaty shall, notwithstanding this transfer and the change of nationality consequent thereon, continue to enjoy in Hungary all the rights in industrial, literary and artistic property to which they were entitled under the legislation in force at the time of the transfer.

Article 248.

The questions concerning the nationals of the former Kingdom of Hungary, as well as Hungarian nationals, their rights, privileges and property, which are not dealt with in the present Treaty, or in the Treaty prepared for the purpose of regulating certain immediate relations between the States to which territory of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy has been transferred, or arising from the dismemberment of that Monarchy, shall form the subject of special conventions between the States concerned, including Hungary; such conventions shall not in any way conflict with the provisions of the present Treaty.

For this purpose it is agreed that within three months from the coming into force of the present Treaty a Conference of delegates of the States in question shall take place.

Article 249.

The Hungarian Government shall without delay restore to nationals of the former Kingdom of Hungary their property, rights and interests situated in Hungarian territory.

The amount of taxes and imposts on capital which have been levied or increased on the property, rights and interests of nationals of the former Kingdom of Hungary since November 3, 1918, or which shall be levied or increased until restitution in accordance with the provisions of the present Treaty, or, in the case of property, rights and interests which have not been subjected to exceptional measures of war, until three months from the coming into force of the present Treaty, shall be returned to the owners.

The property, rights and interests restored shall not be subject to any tax levied in respect of any other property or any other business owned by the same person after such property had been removed from Hungary or such business had ceased to be carried on therein.

If taxes of any kind have been paid in anticipation in respect of property, rights and interests removed from Hungary, the proportion of such taxes paid for any period subsequent to the removal of the property, rights and interests in question shall be returned to the owners.

Cash assets shall be paid in the currency and at the rate of exchange provided for the case of debts under Articles 231 (d) and 254.