Page:Treaty of Peace - Versailles (1919) Ottawa.djvu/143

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All craft so ceded shall be provided with their fittings and gear, shall be in a good state of repair and in condition to carry goods, and shall be selected from among those most recently built.

The cessions provided for in the present Article shall entail a credit of which the total amount, settled in a lump sum by the arbitrator or arbitrators, shall not in any case exceed the value of the capital expended in the initial establishment of the material ceded, and shall be set off against the total sums due from Germany; in consequence, the indemnification of the proprietors shall be a matter for Germany to deal with.

(2) Special Clauses relating to the Elbe, the Oder and the Niemen (Russstrom-

Article 340.

The Elbe (Labe) shall be placed under the administration of an International Commission which shall comprise:

  • 4 representatives of the German States bordering on the river;
  • 2 representatives of the Czecho-Slovak State;
  • 1 representative of Great Britain;
  • 1 representative of France;
  • 1 representative of Italy;
  • 1 representative of Belgium.

Whatever be the number of members present, each delegation shall have the right to record a number of votes equal to the number of representatives allotted to it.

If certain of these representatives cannot be appointed at the time of the coming into force of the present Treaty, the decisions of the Commission shall nevertheless be valid.

Article 341.

The Oder (Odra) shall be placed under the administration of an International Commission, which shall comprise:

  • 1 representative of Poland;
  • 3 representatives of Prussia;
  • 1 representative of the Czecho-Slovak State;
  • 1 representative of Great Britain;
  • 1 representative of France;
  • 1 representative of Denmark;
  • 1 representative of Sweden.

If certain of these representatives cannot be appointed at the time of the coining into force of the present Treaty, the decisions of the Commission shall nevertheless be valid.

Article 342.

On a request being made to the League of Nations by any riparian State, the Niemen (Russstrom-Memel-Niemen) shall be placed under the administration of an International Commission, which shall comprise one representative of each riparian State, and three representatives of other States specified by the League of Nations.

Article 343.

The International Commissions referred to in Articles 340 and 341 shall meet within three months of the date of the coming into force of the present Treaty. The International Commission referred to in Article 342 shall meet within three months from the date of the request made by a riparian state. Each of these Commissions