Page:Tree Crops; A Permanent Agriculture (1929).pdf/178

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FIG. 61. Top Left. The light-colored background at lower right side of picture is a stream bed. It helps to show the extreme steepness of this 'hillside orchard of oaks (ilex) on the slopes of the Sierra Nevada Mountains (Spain). The farmer shown in picture said he pastured his small pigs here but not the large ones. He said he was afraid they would fall down the hill, which is so steep as to make climbing difficult. (Photo J. Russell Smith.)—FIG. 62. Top Right. One of the many grafted oak trees on the stony hills of an estate at Espoelas, Majorca. The bark of stock is light, that of graft is dark. (Photos J, Russell Smith.)—FIG. 63. Bottom Left. One of nature's miracles. Large good thin-shelled beaver hybrid from small hard-shell shagbark, left, and bitternut, right; 55 per cent. of life size. (Photo Willard Bixby.)