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ſtrument of Government, which was by a Repreſentative of the People, a 2d Houſe compoſed of 70 Members in the Nature of a Houſe of Lords, and a ſingle Perſon; and left a Blank for what name he ſhould be called, which this worthy Aſſembly filled up with that of King, addreſſed to Cromwel that he would be pleaſed to accept it, and gave him power to nominate the Members of the Other Houſe. This the great Officers of the Army reſented, for it deſtroyed all their hopes of being Tyrants in their turn, and therefore addreſſed the Parliament againſt the Power and Government of a King, which made Cromwel decline that Title, and content himſelf with a greater Power under the name of Protector. Afterwards he named the Other Houſe, as it was called, for the moſt part out of the Officers of the Army, but even this Parliament not pleaſing him, he diſſolved them in a fury, and governed the Nation without any Parliament at all till he died.

After his death the Army ſet up his Son Richard, who called a new Parliament; but their procceedings being not agreeable to the humour of the Soldiery they forced the Protector to diſſolve them: then they depoſed him, and took the Power into their own hands; but being unable to wield it, they reſtored the Commonwealth, and ſoon after expelled them again, becauſe they would not ſettle the Military Sword independent of the Civil: Then they governed the Nation by a Council of War at Wallingford-Houſe, and choſe a Committee of Safety for the executive part of the Government; but that Whim laſted but a little time before they choſe Conſervators of Liberty; and that not doing neither, they agreed that every Regiment ſhould chooſe two Repreſentatives, and this worthy Council ſhould ſettle the Nation; when they met, ſometimes they were for calling a new Parliament, sometimes for reſtoring the old, which was at laſt done. By this means all things fell into Confuſion, which gave Monk an opportunity of marching into England, where he acted his part ſo dexterouſly, that he reſtored the King with part of that Army which had cut off his Father's Head.

This is a true and lively Example of a Government with an Army; an Army that was raiſed in the Cauſe,