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was publiſhed in the Gazette, that ten Regiments ſhould be forthwith diſbanded; and we were told, as ſoon as it was done, that more ſhould follow their example. But theſe Reſolutions, it ſeems, were altered, and the modiſh Language was, that we muſt keep up a Standing Army. Their Arguments were turned topſy turvy: For as during the War the People were prevailed upon to keep up the Army in hopes of a Peace; ſo now we muſt keep them up for fear of a War. The Condition of France, which they had been decrying for many Years, was now magnified: We are told, that it was doubtful whether the French King would deliver up any of the Towns; that he was preparing a vaſt Fleet upon the Lord knows what Deſign; that it was impoſſible to make a Militia uſeful; that the warlike King Jeanny had an Army of eighteen thouſand Iriſh Heroes in France, who would be ready when called for; and that the King of Spain was dying. The Members of Parliament were diſcourſed with as they came to Town; 'twas whiſpered about, that the Whigs would be all turned out of Employments. A new Plot was ſaid to be diſcovered for murdering the King, and ſearches were made at Midnight thro' the whole City to the diſcovery of Plenty of Fornicators but no Traitors. The Placemongers conſulted among themſelves, and found by a wonderful Sympathy they were all of one Opinion; and if by any means they could get a few more to be of the ſame the day was their own: So they were poſitive of ſucceſs, and very ſure that ſhould carry it by above a hundred Voices.

The Houſe had not ſat a Week, but this matter came to be debated; and the Queſtion in the Committee was, Whether all Forces raiſed ſince the Year 80 ſhould be diſbanded? Which was carried in the Affirmative, the Court being not able to bring it to a diviſion; and the next Day when it was reported, they did not attempt to ſet aſide the Vote, but to recommit it, upon pretence it tied the King to the old Tory Regiments, (tho' by the way, none of thoſe Regiments have been ſince diſbanded) and ſome ſaid they thought the Forces in 80 too many. I can ſafely ſay, tho' I had frequent diſcourſe with many of them, yet I never heard any one of them at that time pretend to be for a greater force than this Vote left the