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Charleroy, Courtray, and Aeth in the Spaniſh Provinces, to the King of Spain.

The Town of Dinant to the Biſhop of Liege.

The Towns of Pignerol, Cazal, Suſa, Montmelian, Nice, Villa Franca, all Savoy, and part of Piedmont to the Duke of Savoy.

The Cities of Treves, Germenſheim, and the Palatinate; the County of Spanheim, Veldentz, and Dutchy of Deux-ponts; the County of Mombelliand, and ſome Poſſeſſions of Burgundy; the Forts of Kiel, Fribourgh, St. Peterfort, Deſtoile, the Town of Philipsburgh, and moſt of Alſace, Eberenburg, and the Dutchy of Lorrain to the Empire: Has demoliſhed Hunningen, Montroyal, and Kernburg.

He has delivered up the Principality of Orange to the King of England.

Theſe are vaſt Countries, and contain in bigneſs as much ground as the Kingdom of England, and maintain'd the King of France above 100000 Men; beſides he had laid out vaſt Sums in the Fortifications he delivered up and demoliſhed. Add to this, his Kingdom is miſerably impoveriſhed and depopulated by this War; his Manufactures much impaired; great Numbers of Offices have been erected, which like Leeches draw away the People's Blood; prodigious Debts contracted, and a moſt beneficial Trade with England loſt. Theſe things being conſidered, there can be litle danger of their ſhewing overmuch wantonneſs, eſpecially for ſome years; and yet ſtill we muſt be bullied by the name of France, and the Fear of it muſt do what their Power could never yet effect: which is a little too groſs, conſidering they were enſlaved by the ſame mean. For in Lewis the XIth's Time, the French gave up their Liberties for fear of England, and now we muſt give up ours for fear of France.

Secondly, Moſt of King James's Engliſh and Iriſh forces which we have been ſo often threatned with, are diſbanded; and he is ſaid to ſubſiſt upon his Majeſty's Charity, which will be ſufficient Caution for his good behavionr.

Thirdly, The French Fleet, which was another Bugbear, exceeded not this year 20 Sail, nor attempted any Thing, though we had no Fleet out to oppoſe them: