Page:Trenchard Tracts 074-124.djvu/51

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commended to him by their own Choice; and when their Intereſt has declin'd, he has gratified the Nation by turning them out. I would therefore give this ſeaſonable Advice to thoſe who were once called Whigs, that the way to preſerve their Intereſt with his Majeſty is to keep it with the People; that their old Friends will not deſert them till they deſert their Country, which when they do, they will be left to their own proper Merits; and though I am not much given to believing Prophecies, yet I dare be a Prophet for once, and foretell that then they will meet with the Fate of King Phyſician and King Uſher in the Rehearſal, Their new Maſters will turn them off, and no Body elſe will take them.

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