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them against those injuries that produce diseases before they require a medical adviser. There is no other way to reach it than by scientific, medical publications that can be placed in the hands of individuals. Large medical publications are expensive and thus out of their reach.

We can show to you, if we are permitted to do so, London Publications of the first standing containing the very things that are objected to in this publication.

Gentlemen we will lay our testimony before you.

[Diploma offered in evidence dated 12th. February 1853, Eclectic Medical College Philadelphia.]

Mr. Kilgore.—We propose to prove by all these witnesses, that this book is not an obscene book; that Dr. Landis is a practising physician in good standing in Philadelphia; that his character for purity and morality is unimpeachable. We propose to prove by this witness, and several others that the information conveyed in this book is valuable; and that the world needs it, and the sufferings of women demand it.

Testimony for the Defence.

Dr. Joseph Longshore, affirmed.

Mr. Kilgore.—Do you know Dr. Landis?

A.—Yes Sir.

Q.—How long have you known him?

A.—Ten or twelve years.

Q.—You are a practising Physician ?

A.—Yes sir, for about fifteen years.

Q.—Do you know others who know him?

A.—Yes Sir.

Q.—What is his character for morality?

A.—I never heard it called in question.

Q.—Or for virtue and purity?

A.—I never heard it questioned.

Q.—Is there a direct communication between the brain and the genital organs of the human body?

Objected to as irrevalent, to the character of Dr. Landis.

Mr. Kilgore.—I have got through with that.

Mr. Gibbons.—I do not see what that has to do with the question.

Mr. Kilgore.—I could not be more astonished than to hear such a statement from the District Attorney. I am surprised that the gentleman does not know, we said we pro posed to show that the information, that this book conveyed, was necessary to the community in which we live, rendered necessary by ignorance of these laws and the diseases which are the result of ignorance on the part of married people to whom this book is addressed. I hope it will not be necessary to say anything further. We propose to show that this book is a scientific and medical book, and have prepared questions in order to substantiate that fact, and others, based upon science, and upon truth which science has demonstrated with in the last few years. The question "Is there a direct communication between the brain and the genital organs" is the one to which objection is made. On the page marked by the Dist. Attorney, Dr. Landis has given proper information to married people in reference to the laws of nature, in generation, how to generate a race of men and women, that will be beautiful, healthful and pure, instead of the criminals and diseased persons, three-fourths of whom die, before attaining to adult age. Dr. Landis shows his fellow-men how to commence. And I wish to show that the instruction given respecting this very act of commencement, by which a new human soul is generated, which none but ignorant or obscene persons will make fun of, or treat lightly, is, an important part of the information given in this book. And also that the instruction is in accordance with natures laws, and beneficial to society, in the highest degree. I ask leave, your Honor, in these questions, to show these facts, because I believe them vital to this case.

Q.—Now will you please answer my questions?

Court.—I do not think it is admissible.

Mr. Kilgore.—Is that your decision?

Court.—The question is not admissible,

Mr. Kilgore.—Will your Honor note an exception. I offered this question to show that this information is in strict accordance