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Written in Moyamensing Prison at Philadelphia, Pa., February 4th. 1870.

By DR. S. M. LANDIS, The Progressive Christian.

Let all the Earth keep silence, before Thee—Thou unchangeable Creator of all things. Thou, who has fixed Thy laws from the foundation of the world, we rejoice in Thy Glory. We Love Thee, because Thou art not partial! We appreciate Thy infallible fidelity to Thine own handiwork, and we pray Thee, send down, direct from heaven, Thy magnetizing and inspiring influences and baptize this people with similar fidelity and sound sense; that, they may give themselves up to Thy fixed laws, thereby receive the Spirit of Christ Jesus!

And, now, O, Lord! I, Thy humble prisoner, do most devoutly pray all the people of Thy footstool to behold Thy magnificent and immutable injunctions, and yield, a cheerful obeisance, to Thy words and works as holily inscribed upon Thy '"Book of Nature;" and as most beautifully and logically consummated by the faithful Nazarene, who came not with gaudy trappings and worldly clamor; but, who linked himself into Thy Laws and Works, thereby giving the people the exemplification of power and grace divine!

Lord God, Father of All, Thou who hast made everything for the good, the health, the normal prosperity, the happiness and everlasting bliss of all people; I, therefore, most heartily beseech them to appreciate this infallible token of Thy Love for them! Moreover, as Thou hast designed that they should have dominion over the things of earth; so likewise, I invoke them to accept Thy proffered promises by upholding Thy Laws and Handiwork as alone supreme!

O, Thou! Great Jehovah, impress upon their minds the necessity of striking terror to the hearts of haughty vipers, who usurp power, which alone belongs to Thee, and which Thou has vouchsafed unto Thy obedient sovereign people! Yea, teach them that the fixed "Laws of Nature" are Thy creation; hence, all rules or laws instituted by men must be in harmony with Thy laws and works, otherwise they are a bugbear and stumbling-block to Grace Divine!

Father of Mercies, to gain Salvation, teach them the incumbent duty to return to truth and nature; and to "prevent the ills that flesh is heir to," by observing Thy fixed laws of the "Secrets of Generation." (as truthfully and honestly expressed in that book for which Thy humble servant now suffers imprisonment, at the hands of incompetent and lewd persons), thereby striking at the root of evil, when the unborn generations, will have the Image of God stamped upon their countenances, (in stead of the mark of Cain) "and will intuitively praise Thy holy name, by words and deeds, forever and ever! Amen.