Page:Trial of john lilburne (IA trial john lilburne).djvu/79

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meaning) is no Generall, but is meerely a great Tyrant (meaning the aforesaid Capt. Generall) standing by the power of his owne will and a strong sword, borne by his vassels, slaves, and creatures (the Souldiers of the Army aforesaid meaning) having no Commission to be Generall, either from the Law of the Parliament, nor from the prime lawes of Nature & reason. For first, when he was made Generall by both houses of Parliament, it was expresly against the letter of the Laws. And secondly, when he refused to disband &c. he hath rebelled against his Parliament Commission, and thereby destroyed, and annihilated it, &c.

The Reader is desired to take notice, that in the Indictment it selfe, there was a great many other things then in this is expressed, as particularly, divers passages out of a book called Mr. Lilburnes, Intituled, The Legall Fundamentall liberties of England revived, &c. as also out of another book Intituled, A preparative to an Hue and Cry after Sir Arthur Haslerigg, &c. as also out of The Agreement of the People of the first of May 1649. with severall other remarkable things in matter and forme, that was more neglected to be taken then the pleadings, because it was not supposed, but the Indictment (being a Record) a true Copy of it might easily be had, considering that by Law, all Records ought freely to be used by any free-man of England, and Copies of them to be denied to none that desire to take them; but that Priviledge being already in this Cause disputed and denyed, in which regard, the Reader must at present accept of the best imperfect notes the Publisher could pick up, but to go on.

And further, that thou the said John Lilburne, as a false Traytor, all and singular the clauses and English wordes abovesaid, and many other trayterous, poysonous and malicious expressions, in and by the aforesaid writings, and by the aforesaid severall books, as aforesaid recorded, and by thee the aforesaid John Lilburne, published and openly declared in the severall books so as aforesaid printed, and by the aforesaid wrightings, and by thee the aforesaid John Lilburne, in manner and forme aforesaide, published, and openly divulged and declared divers other scandalous, malicious, tumultuous and treacherous clauses, and words in the said books contained, falsely, maliciously, advisedly and trayterously, hast published and openly declared, to the intent to stir up, and raise forces against the Government aforesaid, in the way of a Common-wealth, and free State as aforesaid established, and for the suppressing and alteration of the said Government, and to stir up mutiny in the Army aforesaid, and also to withdraw the said John Tooke, Thomas Lewis and John Skinner, and many other Souldiers from their obedience to their superiour Officers and
