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And go to bed. You are not young enough,
I see, to stay awake and entertain
Much longer your exaggerated fancies.
And if he should come back? Would you prepare
Upon the ruinous day of his departure
To drown yourself, and with yourself his agate?”

Isolt, now on a cushion at his feet,
Finding the King’s hard knees a meagre pillow,
Sat upright, thinking. “No I should not do that;
Though I should never trust another man
So far that I should go away with him.
King’s daughters, I suppose, are bought and sold,
But you would not sell me.”

As if it were an agate—or a fact“You seize a question
As if it were an agate—or a fact,”
The King said, laughing at the calm gray eyes
That were so large in the small face before him.
“I might sell you, perhaps, at a fair bargain.
To play with an illustrious example,
If Modred were to overthrow King Arthur—
And there are prophets who see Arthur’s end
In Modred, who’s an able sort of reptile—

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